User Comments

mrsak June 4, 2024

I'm sorry, does the lady who said use your weekends for your kids sport not realise how much said sport costs, swimming along costs us $50 a week for two kids, I know others who spend a few hundred dollars each week on several different sports. This is a terrible money saving hack, a better one would be to play sport with your kids at the local park.., for free 

mrsak March 28, 2024

I think it's also important to make the distinction between vegan and plant based, you can life off fast food as a vegan, but a true plant based diet focuses on eating foods in their whole forms, with a big emphasis on eating fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes and beans and any other plants you can get in. I eat literally as much as I can in a day to get enough nutrients but when the alternative is to eat highly processed food that is literally killing people due to increasing heart disease and cancer, I don't see any other option. 

mrsak March 7, 2024

@polylou I'd say the vast majority if available in Asia. 

mrsak January 17, 2024

I pay $34 a week for 2 reformed classes. I'm 34 and have two young kids and NEVER been this fit and toned in my whole life. Reformer is an absolute game changer, I also have fibromyalgia, bad joints and eat mostly plant based but can absolutely smash a pilates class. You don't need to spend as much as some of these women are spending to get fit. 

mrsak January 3, 2024

We started camping last year with our 3 and 1 year old, it's exhausted, challenging, rough and beautiful. Any holiday with kids has its challenges but don't underestimate the added stresses of camping. For us, it's worth it but it also cost us several thousand dollars to get set up, tent and cooking equipment sure, but you also need mattresses, sleeping bags, tables, chairs, mats, roof racks or a trailer. Then we added things like a gazebo (fantastic for keeping hot sun or rain off cooking area), bikes, swimming gear, lamps/torches, toaster, kettle, extension cords, portable fan, I mean the list goes on. We also choose to stay at big 4 type places for the amenities and they charge around $70-100 a night which also quickly adds up.

Sure it's cheaper that staying in a hotel, but some families may be better off staying in a cabin at a caravan park, especially if they don't have the money to properly get set up camping, something I definitely underestimated. 
Happy camping! 

mrsak December 19, 2023

Unfortunately, therein lies the problem. The author and all the commenters refusing to go against the grain, instead buying their kids whatever they ask for because of peer pressure. Yes if one kid doesn't have something they're the social outcast, however, if more parents went against the grain and refused to participate in this race of keeping up with the Joneses and teach their children the same values, it would be less of an issue.

Consumerism will continue to dominate until people take a stand, understand the extremely damaging impact living this way has on the environment and educate our young people at the same time. 

mrsak November 23, 2023

Wouldn't we rather encourage people to use food based safe skin care, rather than skin care with harmful chemicals such as PFAS and PETs?

mrsak May 17, 2023

Yeh, nah! Come back to me if you ever have kids and then we'll talk. Mine are both under 3, I thought I knew tired haha oh how I wish I could sleep in, sleep through the night uninterrupted, avoid the plague of illnesses and challenging behaviours. I do this all while battling fibromyalgia, was so much easier to manage pre-kids. You may feel tired and stressed as a non parent, but you can give yourself plenty of outlets and rest. As a mum you get none of that! I also fully support and appreciate my mum friends and have such close relationships with them as they just get it! 

mrsak February 22, 2023

Another family with too much money 🙄

mrsak January 21, 2023

No it's you, enjoy this time with your kids they're only this young once and will be over in the blink of an eye. Perhaps get some perspective in your life, relish the small moments and practise mindfulness daily.